Arduino 1602 LCD shield with keypad


  Arduino LCD Keypad Shield

This is a 16x2 LCD and Keypad shield for Arduino Uno, Diecimila, Duemilanove and Freeduino boards.

  • Blue Backlight with white words
  • uses 4 Bit Arduino LCD Library
  • Left, Right, Up, Down and Select buttons
  • Screen contrast adjustment
  • Arduino Reset button

The board uses different pins to the Arduino example sketches, so to make the display work, use the following sequence of pins when starting the library:

LiquidCrystal lcd(8,9,4,5,6,7);

The buttons are connected to only one analog input pin through resistors to give a different voltage for each button, thus saving on input/output pins. Reading the buttons is easy and example code is shown below

Pin Connections

Pin Function
Analog 0 Buttons (select, up, right, down and left)
Digital 4 DB4
Digital 5 DB5
Digital 6 DB6
Digital 7 DB7
Digital 8 RS (Data or Signal Display Selection)
Digital 9 Enable
Digital 10

Backlit Control
HIGH = Backlight on

LOW = Backlight off
Use PWM signal to control brightness

Pin used:

Installing library:

Download and unzipped the library folder, and place it to the Arduino libraries directory. Once the library is correctly installed, the file structcture should look like:


Open the example from file -> Examples -> LDC4Bit_mod -> LCD4Bit_modExample, as shown in the screenshot below.

The example should provide enough information to show you how to work with the LCD and all the 5 buttons.

Schematics download:

1602 LCD Shield Schematics

Lcd panel, display lcd, arduino to lcd, arduino lcd, lcd and arduino, lcd for arduino,lcd to arduino, arduino with lcd, character display, 



Price: $29.99
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