Step 2: Motorised Lock Control

The Lock control is handled by a motor controller.  This builds on what we have built so far,  the button press now opens the lock. Then does the count down and closes the lock.
Arduino sends instructions to the motor controller via the Arduinos Digital pins 4 and 6 to the Motor controllers pins In3 and In4.

D4 D6 to left to pins of In3 In4



Motor turns clockwise


Motor turns anticlockwise


Motor breaks

00 (LOW,LOW)

Motor is free

  • Arduino connects its 5v to motor controller +5V and the Ground to Ground.  
  • The Lock Connector contains the power to drive the lock, it’s Ground line also connects to the Motor Controllers Ground.  The Locks Power line connects to the Motor Controllers +Vcc.
  • The next two pins are the Locks motor and these connect to the Motor Controller pins Out0 and Out 1.

There is also two more pins on the Lock connection.
A Mont pin, that is 0v when the locks latch is closed and +v when the locks latch is open.  I currently don’t test this.  
The last pin is to a Setter switch, it’s like a reset button this is on the lock and does something with original controller but I don’t use it.  It reports 0v when no pushed and +V when pressed.

wiring diagram
Click to see larger Image

Above you can see the wiring needed to connect the lock motor. The actual circuit may look something like this.

RFID step2

There are two bits of code added to control the lock when the button is pressed.

Below opens the lock.
   digitalWrite(motor0,LOW);  // Open lock
delay(500);                         // Time for lock to open fully
digitalWrite(motor0,LOW);  // Stop motor

Below closes the lock.
   digitalWrite(motor0,HIGH);  // Close Lock motor
digitalWrite(motor0,LOW);  // Stop lock motor

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

#define motor0 4  
// digital pins the lock uses
#define motor1 6

// initialize the library with the numbers of the interface pins
LiquidCrystal  lcd(7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12);

byte  ch0[8] = {B11111,B11111,B11111,B11111,B11111,B11111,B11111,0};
byte  ch1[8] = {B11110,B11110,B11110,B11110,B11110,B11110,B11110,0};
byte  ch2[8] = {B11100,B11100,B11100,B11100,B11100,B11100,B11100,0};
byte  ch3[8] = {B11000,B11000,B11000,B11000,B11000,B11000,B11000,0};
byte  ch4[8] = {B10000,B10000,B10000,B10000,B10000,B10000,B10000,0};
byte  ch5[8] = {B00000,B00000,B00000,B00000,B00000,B00000,B00000,0};

int  beeper = 0;                    // Beeper flag 0 = off

void  setup()
pinMode(13,  OUTPUT);       // door beeper
pinMode(A5,  INPUT);         // Button input - we are using as a digital pin

pinMode(motor0,OUTPUT);  // set lock motor pins to output

begin(16, 2);              // set up the LCD's number of columns and rows: 
print("Lock test");  // Print startup message to the LCD.

Serial.begin(19200);         // For Serial debugging, 19200 baud because

Serial.println("Ready");     // that’s the speed the RFID card works at.
createChar(0, ch0);       // initialise our custom characters
createChar(1, ch1);
createChar(2, ch2);
createChar(3, ch3);
createChar(4, ch4);
createChar(5, ch5);
  // end setup

void  loop()
boolean  buttonState =  digitalRead(A5);  // get button state
buttonState =! buttonState;                 
// Invert button state to match logic
if  (buttonState ==  true){

   digitalWrite(motor0,LOW);  // Open lock
delay(500);                           // time for lock to open fully 
digitalWrite(motor0,LOW);  // Stop motor
setCursor(0, 1);
for  (int  i=0; i <= 15; i++)  // print 16 block characters
print((char) 0);
for  (int  i=15; i >= 0; i--)  
  // loop through the 16 characters
for  (int  c=0; c <= 5; c++)  
// loop through the 16 characters places of the LCD screen
digitalWrite(13, beeper);  // Turn beeper on or off
setCursor(i, 1);
print((char) c);     // print our custom character
delay(100);              // the delays add up to about 8 seconds, 
  // that's how long the door lock will be open for.
  // end count down loop 
digitalWrite(13, 0);     // set beeper off

   digitalWrite(motor0,HIGH);  // Close Lock motor 
digitalWrite(motor0,LOW);  // Stop lock motor

  // end if button loop
  // end main loop 

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